
Ch W-Haven's Centerfold At Pemberley SH WDI

Bunny Best Hunting Nat 2012



Bunny taking Winners Bitch at American Spaniel Club 2010

02 Aug 2008 - 1 Nov 2016

Sire: AKC/CKC/UKC MBIS GCh Winfarthing Pride & Prejudice SH WD CGN TDI TT

Dam:  AKC/UKC Ch Winters' Prayers and Promises SH WDX RN CGC

Owned by: Sonya Haskell

Bred by: Neal and Lisa Winters




- 1st Brood Bitch - Field Spaniel Society of America National

- Best Hunter in Show - Field Spaniel Society of America National

- Senior Hunter -  English Cocker Club of America Hunt Test


- Winners Bitch - 9 Jan American Spaniel Club 


- Best In Sweeps - 25 July FRFS Supported Entry / National Specialty Trailer

- Reserve Winners - 25 July FRFS Supported Entry/National Specialty Trailer 

- Winners Bitch - May Field Spaniel Society of America Supported Entry

Bunny Best Brood Bitch Nat 2012

Bunny is out of Darcy and Faith's first litter. She is just as sweet as her dad, and even more curious about the world. 

We are so proud to have this little girl come stay with us in Canada, and we are grateful to all those involved in this special breeding while I was far away serving in Afghanistan.

    Seeing her grow up with her sisters and brothers made my time abroad go that much faster.

In particular, thanks to Breeders Neal and Lisa Winters of Winters' Haven Field Spaniels. Without them, there would be no Bunny. 

Health Tests

OFA index.html.jpg:

OFA Hips:       Good #FS-740G30F-VPI

OFA Elbows:   Normal #FS-EL193F30-VPI

OFA Cardiac:  Normal #FS-CA137/13F/C-VPI

OFA Patella:    Normal #FS-PA73/13F/P-VPI

OFA Thyroid:  Normal #FS-TH190/12F-VPI

CERF Eyes:      Normal #FS-608

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